The Value of Home

The Value of Home

Social Housing REIT Plc

Social Housing REIT plc

Social Housing REIT aims to improve the lives of vulnerable people across the UK by meeting the critical demand for specialised supported housing. Our homes give residents greater independence and dignity than institutional care. Our ambition is to be the UK’s leading Specialised Supported Housing provider, developing and acquiring homes to help improve the quality of life for vulnerable adults across the country. We aim to deliver shareholders dual benefits – attractive, risk adjusted returns and a genuine positive social impact.

Properties Funded
IFRS Valuation

“For every £1 invested SOHO generates £3.30 in social value per year over the duration of the investment”

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What We Do

We seek to improve the quality of life of vulnerable adults across the UK. The properties we acquire, or fund the development of, provide sustainable, long-term accommodation for adults with specific care and support requirements. For example, these needs could be as a result of mental health problems, learning disabilities or physical and sensory impairments.

Our accommodation differentiates itself by being a home within a community rather than the institutional care facilities that have historically been a mainstay for vulnerable people with care needs. We also seek to provide value-for-money to Local Authorities by offering housing that is both suitable and cost-effective. Our ability to forward-fund the development of custom-built properties allows us to deliver high-quality, high-occupancy new housing, providing genuine additionality to the UK social housing sector.

Our portfolio properties benefit from long term leases to Approved Providers, which are bodies that receive their funding from central or local government to provide homes for vulnerable people.

What We Do
Investment Case Study
Moor House

Adapted For Residents’ Needs

Over sixty percent of properties in the Group’s portfolio have been newly-refurbished or newly-built to provide accommodation for some of the most vulnerable people in society. The people living in the Group’s properties have acute health needs such as learning disabilities, mental health issues, autism and physical and/or sensory impairments. These adaptations – which are agreed with Commissioners, care providers and our Approved Provider lessees range from non-slip flooring, widened door frames and grab handles, to more complex adaptations like alarm systems, wet-rooms and lifts.



Half Year Impact Report 2023

Download our latest report covering impact assessments and results, contributions to outcomes impact risk assessment and next steps.

Oxford Road – A Home Where Friendships Have Formed

Simon, who has learning difficulties, moved into Oxford Road in December 2021, with four other people: Oliver, Fred and two Marks – Mark H and Mark L. And now the fivesome, all with very different personalities, have formed close knit friendships and a bond.

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